User manual and frequently asked questions Prep'Line 814117
The Prep'Line hand mixer can do just about anything
You can beat egg whites to peaks, whisk mayonnaise, whip up cream to make delicious chantilly.
To prepare heavier dough and cakes, simply press the eject button on the Prep'Line hand mixer and replace the balloon whisks with the mixers. In addition to its 5 speeds, with the Turbo button, you will get rich creams and stiff egg whites.
With the hand blender, you can use the Prep'Line mixer to make coulis or liquidise your soups. It never runs out of steam!
After following the instructions in the user manual for starting the appliance, make sure that your electrical socket is working by plugging another appliance. If it still does not work, do not try to dismantle or repair the appliance yourself, instead, take it to an approved repair centre